Working OUT
A Love/Hate Relationship
How many of you work out regularly? I usually work out 5-6 days a week.
Some days I look forward to it…some days I feel like skipping it but usually still do something to move my body.
I figured out a long time ago I’m not your jazzercize, step, high intensity girl.
And you know what? It is okay! If you are one of those that is wonderful.
But here’s one truth, you have to find a few ways to get movement and exercise that you can tolerate and want to do several times a week.
For me, I have found yoga, walking and more walking, using a rebounder and lifting arm weights works best for me. I used to go to the gym regularly before 2020 but when gyms shut down I decided to decide that I could get a good workout from home.
Yoga: I love to work out with videos from YouTube using my iPad. One of
my favorites is Boho Beautiful. It is free and the workouts average from 5-30 minutes. My most favorites are ‘Boho Beautiful 5 minute Arms’ and ‘Boho Beautiful Jet Lag’. I have even done the Jet Lag in an airport before a flight to Australia. It is a 16 minute video and anyone can start with those 2.
My naturopathic doctor actually recommended using a rebounder. He said it helps move the lymph and is a very healthy thing to do. Now I am only rebounding for about 15 minutes at a time but my goodness it is a workout!
There are workout videos and I even have a friend who does classes in her FB group. So I highly recommend getting one. I think mine was about $125.
I found this one on Amazon that is similar to mine, I like the bar for stability.
On the days I rebound I usually do a workout with 10lb weights for my
arms. I work my biceps and triceps. So about 2-3 days a week I use the
rebounder and the weights. Probably a lot of you can do more but this is where I’m at today. I have a mentor who says “Progress before Perfection”.
Walking is by far one of my favorite ways to move my body. Most days my husband goes with me and we walk in the morning and when we can I like to walk after we eat dinner. I heard a teaching once that a short walk after a
meal helps with digestion. My Fitbit helps with knowing how many steps I take. I like knowing and comparing my days. It is really interesting how many steps you can take just walking in the house & yard and doing your daily activities.
I almost forgot my other favorite thing to do!!! Riding my bicycle is so fun.
JR (my husband) and I got new bikes when we were in Florida this year. If you are in driving distance of Tampa or Clearwater, FL, Outspokin Bicycles is a great place to get a new bike. Customer service was superb!
Of course, before I do any of these activities, I use my Energize as a
preworkout drink and my Rebuild recovery shake after the workout. Then I’m not so sore and feel like doing it all over again the next day. Here’s what I know at 66…”If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
God bless and let’s meet up here next week. I’d love to hear from you!
Message or email me.
Pre-Workout Drink ‘Energize’
After workout shake ‘Rebuild’
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