We all need a break from routine at times, maybe a break from the job, the business, or the family. When I was a young mom, I especially needed those mental health dates with my husband, a vacay (even with the kids) and those days or afternoons away with a friend.
Just a short break from the ordinary can do wonders for our outlook on life. Sometimes just a short time by myself resting or reading a novel can be a blessing to my attitude. We all need to mix things up and take care of ourselves so that we can be a better spouse, parent, employee or boss. What do you do for short mental health breaks?
I’ve found that the more I take care of myself in the physical the better I feel better mentally. A healthy diet and exercise are crucial for me. I like the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule). I eat pretty healthy with lots of fruits, veggies and good meats 80% of the time and the other 20% I allow myself treats. Don’t we have to treat ourselves sometimes? Just say, “this is for my mental health!” The key is to keep it to 20%.
Ever have problems with cravings and that 20% we allow ourselves? What seems to really help me is taking some really good supplements that fill in the gaps, getting enough sleep and working out in some way almost every day. Walking, moving, working out at the gym all contribute to developing endorphins that make our brains tell us we feel good or feel better. I wear a Garmin to tell how many steps and stairs I’ve accomplished in a day and that’s been helpful for my mentality and thinking I’ve done something positive for me.
Probably my most favorite way to gain a better attitude is to read my bible and listen to positive music and podcasts. There are many authors of books that help with encouragement and hope and that’s what I need on a daily basis. You can download the Podcast app and listen to almost anyone for FREE. I’ve always heard garbage in-garbage out. So I don’t choose to listen to garbage.
When I get anxious about daily life I take extra Goyin. It is a product I’ve taken for years that has clinical studies that show it helps with depression and anxiety. A BIG plus is that it tastes amazing and kiddos love it. You can look at it here: Goyin. I drink 2 bottles a month- 2 oz. a day.
So, I encourage you to take time for yourself, follow the 80/20 rule and set up some mental health time for yourself.
*Blessings and let’s talk soon!